Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dave 17 Months +

For the first time Dave fell down terribly and hit his upper lip. Luckily his teeth are still fine. He fell down at the backyard while spinning around for a couple of times.

Day after he fell down. The lip is recovering...

Nowadays, he loves to move his body while listening to music or just make a spin for couple of times or take things from the floor and put them in the mouth.. can be anything.. paper.. ants.. (disgusting...?? yes...) How can I stop him from his last habit?


CKNonie said...

Ooh.., he looks so funny with his upper lip missing.

Anyway, what do u mean by eating from the floor?

Elisha said...

Well.. i should have written as picking things from the floor and put them in the mouth... ^^

CKNonie said...

Ummm.., as far as I know, as babies grow, and know how to crawl and walk, they will put everything they can reach in their mouth.

Which is why playpen is recommended.

Elisha said...

yah.. mayb.. but I guess Dave's case is because he's imitating someone. He ever saw a person who dropped food on the floor and then pick it up again and put in the mouth...
Not even 5 seconds.. so still can put in the mouth... ^^

Emily said...

kasi dodot.

Elisha said...

Well Emily.. thanks for the suggestion... t's not that I don't want to give pacifier..
He had it till he was about 13 months.. then I force him to stop.. by taking away the pacifier.. ^^
It sounds cruel... but then I dun want him to depend on the pacifier for longer time...
Some kids still have that when they were 4...

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