Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why Some People Didn't End Up with Caucasion....??

Being a person that is so fond with developed overseas lifestyle and experienced a couple of years in Canada. I wondered why I didn't end up with Caucasian or people who have stayed there for ages.

For this, maybe I can use an example from me. Before that, I have to go back to my family history a bit. I were brought up in a Buddhist family who hold this belief. No sex before marriage. I've been input with the effect and how it will affect us in the future life; if we had sex before the marriage and such and such... Thus, it sticks in mind forever... I believe that it's not happened to me. It happens in most of the family.

Back to the belief again, in developed country, if u didn't get laid when you are 17 or 21, then you must be some geek or similar to that. In another words, they believe in this free sex thing. Well, I didn't say that all of them believe and apply this free sex. However, most of them are.

Well, what am trying to share here is. I don't think that it's bad to have free sex as long as u have a safe play. I tend to agree that people move in together before they get married. What is the point of getting married if it ends up to divorce?


CKNonie said...

SIL.., if no sex after marriage, then I won't have any nephews loooooooooh~


Elisha said...

haha.. thanks for the correction...
It was too rush yesterday... didn't recheck that.. lol

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