Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Boy Vomited "Kolang Kaling" Fruits

It might be great to live with a third-party who can help to take care of your children. Sometimes this can also be annoyed when you have different perceptions as what is good for your children and what is not. For instance, you might think that your children are still too small for certain foods, meanwhile, the other simply think that it's not a big deal. Your children are big enough to consume every things. In this case, you cannot stay with your will in not giving the food for your children just because of the word toleration or maybe respect to the other party. What you can do is just praying that nothing is gonna happened in the sense that not falling sick since some food can be too heaty.

Unfortunately, after certain time, you found out that your children started to get unwell and you started to think of the reasons if it's the changing weather or the food. I were shocked when I saw him vomited the "kolang-kaling" (sugar palm) fruit. It's the whole piece, not chewed. Then, the negative thought run through your brains, what if the fruit stuck in the throat? Some of you might think, come on it's not that big deal. It's just a fruit. Yeah, if you ever try it, when it's soft, it's really yummy. However, when you ate the hard sugar palm fruit, you will not be able to chew them.

Dave vomited this...

The Sugar Palm Fruit

Besides the food, it might be other thing of how they want to involve in your life in rising your children. Some suggestions are accepted as they have experienced in it, but not judging us as the parent in not knowing how to take care of our children. Setting limitation of what we can or cannot do, especially when we have to go for certain event like family gathering that is not happened frequently.

Sometimes when I really put a thought... Is there any limitation of giving in? In the sense that, is that possible not to "give in" all the time and stand with our own will though it might not make the other party happy?


CKNonie said...

SIL, actually you need to tell them it's extremely dangerous to give toddlers something unchewable.

There was a case where a toddler choke to death in Malaysia, after eating fish ball. 1 whole fish ball that the toddler didn't manage to chew and lodged in his throat.

Tell them to stop, or if they want to feed him these kind of food, they will need to cut it into smaller pieces.

Elisha said...

You know your old man... ^^
Nothing much can be done...

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