Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcoming Year 2010...

Two more days to go for New Year 2010. Reflect back of what had happened from the beginning of year 2009 until now... Life is just alright with... My master class started in mid 0f 2009 and until now it's the 4th subjects and we still have 9 more subjects to complete. Yeah... 4 subjects, but then only finished 2 of the assignments... I thought I will have time to finish those 2 assignments during this new year's holiday... apparently, there are more things to be done than what I thought....

Year 2009 wasn't really sparkled as I can hardly remember impressive things that happened in this year... There was no resolution to accomplish as every time I tried to make some resolutions at the end of year, it never works out... ^^ So, I decided to let it flow just like the water... Lol...

Well... what I can say is... Happy New Year.... Have a great year ahead... ^^

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