Thursday, April 17, 2008


People... Are you one of them? Well, I have this funny story when I invigilate this morning. Basically, this week is final exam week. It's Statistic paper. I had a student A who asked me questions regarding the question that was printed out a bit blur. I told this student A what was the questions about, but I wanted to confirm what I read. So, I walked to another student, I wanted to look at her paper and find out if her question is better. I don't know who is that girl. I just randomly picked one student. When I asked permission to look at the question papers. She's pretty much reluctant to give me the questions. Then I thought that she doesn't understand English. So, I repeated my question once again. Well, he did the same thing. Finally, I grabbed the paper. I found out there was small note in between her final-exam questions. Just imagine... it happens every semester.

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